Dancing School Still Trying to Operate
This is such a difficult and hard time for everyone and I hope you are all safe and well .
But I would just like you to know that my Dancing School is still trying to operate from the Village Hall every Saturday. Obviously we are COVID risk secure within the Government Guide lines.
We have had to shorten our classes to deep clean after each class to keep safe which is the right thing to do. Any inquiries are welcome; so please be free to enquire do not just turn up.
See our website www.annettebraceyschoolofdancing. co.uk If you are working from home or indeed would like to exercise from the comfort of your own home I have a number of classes on a private live Facebook Stream including.
Dance Exercise
Dance Toning
Tap Fit
Ballroom Fit
So if you would like to give any a go message the details above.
Stay safe and well Annette Bracey