February Meeting Report
Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators met on February 19 2020 and items from the discussions included:
Poor health had forced Trevor Case to resign from the Watch after many years as a Co-ordinator and Vice Chairman.
Building in the St Lythams Park estate is now almost complete but there are only 2 Co-ordinators. More are needed.
If you live in St Lytham’s Park and are interested in helping to deter crime in your locality and establish a community spirit, would you consider becoming a Co-ordinator?
If so, please contact our Secretary/Treasurer Jackie Gauci on 07876 207843 or jackie.gauci47 @gmail.com
A reply from the Clerk to the Community Council about the nuisance of dogs fouling Wenvoe Playing Field confirmed that the field was a “dogs on lead” area. It was noted that some dogs are brought as a group, probably by people conducting dog walking businesses and it was agreed to explore the legal position about this practice.
One Co-ordinator had introduced a register of contact numbers for residents which was shared among the residents themselves. It could be used at times such as accidents at home when local help was needed.
Co-ordinators were invited to take part in the village activities over the weekend of May 8-10 when the 75th anniversary of the ending of World War II in Europe was to be marked.
Parking on the pavement near Old Market had caused obstruction and the PCSO had been informed.
Officers elected for 2020/21 were:
Chairman Alan French
Vice Chairman Colin Thomas
Secretary/Treasurer Jackie Gauci
Alan French