Canadian Storyteller Dan Yashinsky





Canadian storyteller Dan Yashinsky will be making a stop in Wenvoe at the end of June to perform at a house party concert.

Dan is a storyteller, writer, and community animator living in Toronto. He has worked for the last five years as the storyteller-in-residence at Baycrest Health Sciences, telling stories in the psychiatry and palliative units. He was also the storyteller-in-residence at The Stop Community Food Centre, Toronto Public Library, UNICEF Canada, and Queen’s University Education Department. His most recent book is ‘Swimming with Chaucer – A Storyteller’s Logbook’.

‘I once memorized the Miller’s Tale’, says Dan. ‘It has accompanied me on long drives, long swims, long walks, and a long vigil for our son in the neonatal intensive care unit. Stories and poems are useful, especially the ones we carry in our heads and hearts. Mixing life stories and folktales, this evening explores how and why stories are such wise road-companions.’

While he is in the country Dan will be contributing to the volunteer training for a new project. A diagnosis of a neurodegenerative condition like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, MS or others, is a life changer. ‘Something is wrong in your brain!’ is the message, and it can feel like an assault on your sense of self, your very identity. It takes a bit of getting used to. Supported by The National Lottery Community Fund and hosted by storytelling charity Beyond the Border (Charity no 1144275) Slow Motion Selfies, is a programme of activity designed to help individuals affected by neurodegenerative conditions to find a new creative self. Donations received on the evening will go to the project.

Join us on Wednesday 26 June for a 7.30 start with refreshments to follow Dan’s performance; he always has an engaging and humorous take on life.

Places will be limited to 25 so please email or text/call 07870 212437 by 17th June to reserve a place and receive address details. Last time we sold out!

Please note that this is storytelling for adults and not intended for under 14s.

To find out more about Slow Motion Selfies contact