January Planning Updates
January Planning Updates
The following applications have been approved.
51, Gwenfo Drive, Wenvoe – Proposed two storey side extension and single storey front extension
Grange Avenue, Wenvoe – Fell one tree and reduce crown and canopy of 3 trees
Brynheulog, St Andrews Road, – Proposed construction of ménage.
The application to remove 5 Silver Birch trees fronting the Bellway development has been granted for only two of the trees which will be replaced during the next planting season after the road works are completed.
Low cost housing.
Following last month’s proposals additional correspondence on the present position regarding the sale of the affording housing at the Redrow and Bellway development sites and what actions had been, and were being, taken in the search for first time buyers interested in the available housing, the Council agreed to permit possible purchasers to be sought from outside the Vale but they would have to demonstrate that they had some strong present or past connection with Wenvoe and its surrounding area.