Neighbourhood Watch – February 2024



I am pleased to report there was very little criminal activity reported in Wenvoe over the Christmas period, although there were some thefts in the Culverhouse Cross area.

Digital security

An important area of security is that of digital security and creating a secure, strong password is not complicated. There is much advice available. The National Cyber Security Centre recommend using three non-associated words such as planegiraffecentre. Do not use words associated with you such as your pet’s name, because if you use social media hackers can readily trace them to you.

Further advice is:

  • Use 2 centre authentication when offered to you. It gives you additional security against a hacker.
  • Use a strong password for your email account, one that you do not use elsewhere.


Patio doors

Most forced entry burglaries are committed through the weakest point of entry at the rear of the property, usually the patio doors. Modern patio doors normally have a secure lever system operated by raising the door handles. For those that do not, you are recommended to fit a security device to prevent the handles being operated from outside. Such devices can be obtained for about £50.

Watch Annual General Meeting

The AGM of the Wenvoe Neighbourhood Watch is on Wednesday 7 February 8.00pm in the Community Centre. It is open to any Wenvoe resident, with an agenda of: reports from Officers and Co-ordinators, election of Chair and Secretary/Treasurer.

Alan French