News – October
Registered Charity, right in the heart of the Village.
The Playgroup operates from the Village Hall and has been operating for over 50 years. We are registered with Care Inspectorate Wales to care for 30 Children at any one time from the age of 2 years 4 months. We open 9am-1pm Monday to Friday and 9am-3.15pm on Wednesday and Thursday.
Wrap around care: We collect children daily at 11:20am from Gwenfo Nursery and on into lunch club until 1pm and on Wednesday and Thursday until 3:15pm. We escort children across from our morning sessions to afternoon Nursery for 1pm.
30 Hour Free Childcare Offer: Children from Cardiff and Vale are benefitting from this. 12.5 hours are used for LEA Nursery and 17.5 hours can be allocated to time with us here at Playgroup. This is for children the term after their 3rd Birthday.
Tax Free Childcare: We accept payment via the Government’s Tax Free Childcare. Many parents at this time use this method to pay fees, or use alongside the 30 Hour Free Childcare to top up their extra hours/fees. Families set up a Tax-Free Childcare account and for example; for every £8 the family pay in, Welsh Government pay in £2. Visit