There’s been lots going on in school this month. Our
wonderful outdoor classroom is complete, and classes
have begun to use it. It’s a fantastic addition to
our grounds. We hope the living roof will provide
home to lots of wildlife and improve the air quality
around the road. Thank you so much to Cabot in
Barry for their support and time.
Huge thank you to the members of the community
who came to help us prepare the school grounds on
our Big Help Out day, and to staff for volunteering
their time at the Wenvoe Open Gardens to greet
those visiting. It was lovely to have so many people
come and see the work that has been put into the
school gardens.
Congratulations go out to our Year 6 children who
completed their cycle proficiency, and to Year 5 and
6 pupils who competed in the Vale of Glamorgan
Quad athletics.
Our Reception children wowed us with their class
assembly about respecting our world and we are so
proud of how much they have learned this year.
We are looking forwards to finishing out the school
with our Sports Day and Year 6 Leavers Assembly