January Report


Welcome to this month’s report on the activities and events that have taken place in our churches during January. The first Sunday of the year just happened to be New Year’s Day, and the congregation in St. Mary’s were offered a musical treat following the service when Rob Lloyd our organist played J.S. Bach’s “New Year Chorale”. What an uplifting piece of music, composed to celebrate the arrival of a new year. To watch Rob’s hands, co-ordinating with his feet on the pedal board, was simply amazing and the resulting sounds were wonderful to hear and appreciate, resulting in a round of applause from all present.

The Feast of the Epiphany was kept to commemorate the visit of the three Magi, or Wise Men, to present their gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh to the infant Jesus. The crib will remain until the feast of Candlemas, which brings the Christmas season to an end for this year.

The Season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday February 22nd, with a Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes at 10.00am at St. Mary’s and also at St. John the Baptist in Sully at 7.00pm. It is during this service that the congregation are marked with a cross on their forehead with the words “from dust you came and to dust you will return”. It is a reminder that we are mortal and that our lives will end at a time chosen by Almighty God. During Lent we shall be discussing the words written in the Catechism, as a reminder to us all of our preparation for Confirmation, and the promises made so many years ago. Lyndon’s sermons will echo this theme and there will be an opportunity to discuss points raised after the service, should any of the congregation wish to stay behind. Lent can be used in many ways as not only an opportunity to give something up, but also take on aspects of our faith which we may not have given much thought to since the heady days of our own confirmation by the Bishop.

An evening informal Eucharist and discussion group will be meeting in Sully on Wednesdays at 7.00pm. Look out for details in the church newsletter.

On Mothering Sunday on March 19th there will be an opportunity to join with our Ministry Area of De Morgannwg to attend the service of Choral Evensong at the Cathedral. This is very appropriate to be at the mother church of the diocese on this day. Expressions of interest will be sought with a view to providing transport to and from our churches nearer the time. The morning services will be at the usual time and maybe there will be flowers, to give Mums and others, to mark the specialness of the day.

We all know only too well how our household bills have risen as a result of the war in Ukraine and the cutting off of the supplies of gas from Russia has increased the cost of heating our homes. The church is not immune from this and the rising cost of other bills to keep the church functioning is a real worry for church officers, trying to balance the books at the year end. The church survives solely on the income that comes from the offerings on the collection plate, the scheme of Giving Direct via our bank accounts, donations, fund raising and our precious reserves. Our largest outlay is the monthly payment to the PARISH SHARE to the Diocese, to cover the salary of the incumbent and other expenses in the financing of the diocesan policies. So the question we need to ask ourselves is this….When did you last review your weekly giving to the work of the church? Since COVID and the lockdowns we are seeing fewer people at our worship, yet the bills keep rising for a church that is in every sense a church for the community at large. The church door is open to all, at most times and Vicar Lyndon welcomes enquiries about donations, large or small, to help today’s generation to hand the building on to the future generations yet to be born. As a Church we have good reason to be thankful to the many generations who have gone before us. Through their good Christian stewardship and generous legacies they have provided for the mission and ministry of the Church over many centuries, the fruits of which we continue to enjoy today. So another question we can ask ourselves is Have I made provision in my will to help foster the work of the church after my days? Congregations in every church are commended to remember their spiritual home to help the work of mission and ministry by leaving a Legacy which can make a vital difference in maintaining a church that can be used by the whole community when the needs arise.

Looking ahead, the arrangements for Holy Week and Easter will be announced in next month’s What’s On. Following that we will have the celebrations for King Charles III’s coronation. In June we hope to run the OPEN GARDENS in WENVOE scheme which was so successful a few years ago prior to COVID. This will be a good fund raiser for church funds organised by Glenys and Mike Tucker.

Thank you as usual for reading the church news. There is always a welcome to join our services. The church door is not a barrier, it is the means of joining a warm loving community ready to greet you.

With every Blessing

Parry Edwards