

When did you last test your letterbox?

It is surprising how difficult it is to use some house-hold letter boxes. Some have springs that will take your fingers off if you are not careful, draft protec-tors which are almost impossible to push items through, boxes mounted so high on an external wall you almost need a step ladder to use. A household pet that snatches the item from you and your fingers if not smartly removed.

Why not test your box NOW. Take this magazine and go and post it through your letter box. Was it easy to post? Try it again; maybe you were lucky the first time. While you are there try a single piece of paper, a real test for any box. If there was no problem – congratulations. If you did hit a snag try and resolve it for the sake of all the people who have to make use of it. Think of your postman, your What’s On magazine deliverer etc.