October Notes


  Gwenfo School News – October Notes

We can hardly believe that at time of writing we are approaching the end of our first half term back at Gwenfo. It has been a busy and enjoyable half term full of new and exciting experiences. The children have settled in so well and we extend a very warm welcome to all our new children and their families as well as a warm welcome back to our wonderful school family. As we look forward to our half term break, we look back with gratitude on everything we have learnt in the last eight weeks.

The recent lovely weather has meant some great playtimes together on the field. We are enjoying being back together in the hall for assemblies and sharing our worship as a school. Our first value of the year is Generosity and we will be exploring how God shows generosity and how we can be generous to each other.

At the beginning of term, we spent time reflecting on the loss of Her Majesty Elizabeth II, thanking God for her long-devoted reign, and celebrating her life. We are so proud of the thoughtful responses our children had in our time of national mourning.

Years 4, 5 and 6 recently had an exciting trip to see Opus Pocus Live. They loved experiencing live mu-sic back in a theatre hall. We are now really looking forward to our Christmas trips! Year 5 successfully kicked off a year of class assemblies with an amazing assembly about Generosity. We loved the singing and dancing! Year 4 will be up next with Harvest and we know they will do us proud. At time of writing Year 6 are preparing to head off on their residential. We will be sure to ask them to feed back about it next month.

We would like to extend our thanks to all our families who supported our Wear Yellow for Mental Health Day. We have raised almost £200 for Young Minds. We are so grateful for the continued generosity of our school community.

We would like to welcome to our school community our new PGCE students who have just begun their first placements with us. We hope they feel a part of our school family and enjoy their time with us.