Community Council News Nov 2022


The September meeting of the Council was delayed until 29th September in respect the demise of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth.

Three new members, Sally Milliner, Rhys Jervis and Paul Gaughan have been welcomed to their first meeting of the Council. The resignation of Russell Godfrey was accepted by the Council and there are now two vacancies left to be filled by co-option.


Police Matters – A total of 62 crime and ASB incidents were recorded in the period from 13July to 7 Sept but no breakdown is currently available. At the September meeting police had recorded a total of 16 incidents over the previous month.

Work should start by the end of October on the replacement patio outside the Library. Bredon Quarry are providing support through the provision of aggregate for the base. Council are awaiting the outcome of a grant application from the Stronger Communities Fund before proceeding with the replacement of the Community Centre windows.

A discussion took place about the Council becoming involved in the creation of a Wenvoe Rural Affairs Forum. It was agreed that such an initiative would be welcome bearing in mind the challenges facing the rural community and the need to assess them in the context of wider policies and decision. Terms of reference would now need to be drawn up.

Concern was expressed about comments emanating from Council and reported in Wenvoe What’s On earlier this year. This concerned the alleged illegal blocking of public rights of way at Whitehall Farm. On being told that Vale of Glamorgan Council legal and other departments were involved in all stages of the process Council accepted that a misunderstanding had occurred and apologised if any inconvenience had been caused.

The meeting also discussed, once again, the status of the Library/Hub and it was accepted that it should be regarded as a community venture. In the circumstances it was agreed that the Hub would only be charged a peppercorn rent for the remainder of the current Council period. They would however continue to pay for their own electricity costs. Amendments to the existing licence agreement would now need to be agreed.

There are concerns over the condition of the grass verges in Rectory Close following an accident to a resident.

Proposals were made to resurrect the Village Carnival next summer and a subcommittee is being created to take this forward