We Need More Volunteers!


We need more volunteers!

We are planning Wenvoe Advent Windows 2022 following the success of the last two years. Since September’s What’s On we have been pleased to receive a number of requests to take part. However, we need more volunteers to fill the 24 slots of December.

There will be a new window to see each night leading up to Christmas Eve when of course there will be all 24 on display. The final window will be at St. Mary’s Church.

There is no entry fee, it’s not a competition, and, adults and children can be involved. Participants will be allocated a date when they will light up their window for the first time and continue lighting up each day until 24th December. The windows can be designed and constructed from any media; and will need to be lit from 5.00pm to 9.00pm each evening. All the displays should relate to Advent / Christmas and can be humorous, artistic or topical.

If you would like to participate you need to live in a house that has a window (upstairs or down) that can clearly be seen from the street and you will need to keep the window illuminated each evening after it is ‘opened’ until December 24th.

For more information contact Jude Billingham: on 07516 112897 or judebillingham@ yahoo.co.uk

We would be delighted to hear from you.

This is a St. Mary’s initiative for the whole community