Lovely End To The Spring Term
Gwenfo School News April Notes
We had a lovely end to the Spring term, celebrating Easter in style with the return of our Easter bonnet parade. Thanks to all parents and children for taking part and creating some fantastic headwear!
With restrictions easing we’ve been delighted to have a few Family Friday playtimes. The children have loved playing with other year groups, especially getting to see their siblings!
Key Stage Two had a wonderful morning before the holidays engaging in an Easter rotation, making Easter nests, Easter lilies, Palm crosses and Easter cards.
In our Action for Happiness work we have been looking at emotions. We have been encouraging children to recognise their and others emotions, and have explored how to deal with big emotions like anger and how to focus on and look for the good around us to help us feel more positive emotions. We have been practising gratitude and saying thank you for all the things and people in our lives that help us feel happy. Our next action is Acceptance, and learning to be happy with who we are.
Our value for the half term was Justice, and we have talked about what that means for us. We have thought about how all of our needs are different, and sometimes we can’t always have the same things as others for things to be fair. We talked about how we use rules both in school and in our country to ensure that we are all treated justly.