The Roving Photographer


Well, I couldn’t believe it! With the heavy rain put-ting off the faint-hearted on Halloween, I was start-ing to tuck into sweets that were left by the no-shows. Then this pair turned up, scaring me half to death. Brilliant costumes. They said their names were Lisa & James. Likely story!

Revive the Village Carnival


You may have read in last month’s What’s On that the Community Council have discussed a proposal to revive the Village Carnival which was last held in the 1980s. We have established a committee to take this forward with the aim of holding the event over a weekend next July. In view of the cost and difficulty of obtaining permissions to close Port Road to allow a procession to cross to the sports field, we consider it would be more practical to hold the whole event in the field.

Early suggestions envisage a funfair together with sporting events for young and old. Live music including an evening barn dance and some possible talent competitions. Craft exhibitions and, of course, eating and drinking facilities. Hopefully a number, if not all, of the village groups and organisations will wish to take part.

Our next meeting to discuss all of this will be held in the Community Centre at 7.00pm on Thursday 8th December and anyone who is interested is welcome to join us. If you are unable to make this date or just want to talk it through, please feel free to give me a ring. Colin Thomas on 07776134337.

Tuckers Reindeer Sale


On a beautiful, crisp November morning, this year’s excited and well-groomed herd of reindeer waited patiently on the Tuckers’ front lawn in Vennwood Close. Individual personalities shone through unique facial features and with the potential for some mischief, Joyce had her hands full maintaining order!

The generosity of people and local businesses was evident in a display bursting with high quality raffle prizes Local crafters supported the event again this year; there was an opportunity to buy good quality cards and gifts and enjoy some delicious cakes.

A fantastic £1,057 was raised on the day, but as reindeer sales are on-going, the final amount will be publicised in the January edition. This will be donated to the Wenvoe Wildlife Group in order to support the many on-going projects that we read about regularly in the monthly ‘What’s On’ update.

Glenys and Mike would like to thank everyone who supported the event and made the day such a success.

Bangs Of Expectation


The first Christmas crackers were known as ‘Bangs of Expectation’.

Crackers came about because confectioner Tom Smith needed a way to market French-style sweets wrapped in paper. The story goes that he was inspired to add an explosive element by the sight of a log crackling on the fire. But in reality, it was his brother who came up with the idea, possibly inspired by magic tricks he’d witnessed while working in the music halls.

Launched in the late-1840s, Tom Smith’s crackers sparked a whole new Christmas custom. The company still exists today, and supplies crackers for the royal family each Christmas


Join Us On Our Next Walk


What are some of the strollers on the carers walk looking at? The grey sky, turning black, then blue and white? The biggest sandcastle ever built on Barry Island? The swimmers splashing about in the calm sea? The patterns created in the sand by the tractor as it cleans the beach every morning?

You will have to join us on our next walk to find out…..a clue, four legs are involved!

A Busy Year At The Hub


Tel: 02920 594176 – during opening hours or

Like and follow us on Facebook at:

For general enquiries you can email us at

It’s been a busy year at the Hub, welcoming the community as they emerged from Lockdown. We have started several new initiatives and built on previous successes. Clwb Clonc, Silver Foxes and Babies and Toddlers have grown in numbers and enabled members to meet new people that they can now call friends. We look forward to our next Wellbeing group and Cuppa with a Coppa meetings in the new year.

Each of our Talks at the Hub has been a sell-out, the Village Show demonstrated how much talent we have in our community, and our new language conversation groups are successful.

Our events and activities couldn’t have been achieved without the hard work of our committed volunteers who are always happy to help and welcome visitors to the Hub.

Volunteer quotes of the month

I enjoy being part of a group in giving back to the community that which I have received.

The success of the Silver Foxes brings a diverse range of elderly guys together to chat about anything that has been common in their lives.

It’s a joy seeing so many children bringing their grown-ups in.

Pre-loved books

Thanks to all who have, over the year, donated us their pre-loved books. We are still accepting small quantities of books that are in excellent condition.

Christmas Raffle

Our Christmas raffle tickets are for sale at the Hub for two lovely M&S hampers full of Christmas goodies. The draw will take place on Saturday 17 December at 12 noon.

Talks at the Hub

Brunel in South Wales – Steve Jones

Friday 27th January at 7.00pm

Tickets are £3.00 and will be for sale from the Hub in the New Year

Isambard Kingdom Brunel’s work in South Wales has been largely overlooked. Yet South Wales provided the landscape in which many of his innovative works were pioneered and Brunel the engineer is represented there at virtually every stage of his career. Many of these engineering landmarks survive and are still in use to this day.

Born in Cardiff, Stephen K. Jones writes and lectures on local and industrial history, photography and Brunel and his works. Steve will be examining the achievements and legacy of Brunel in South Wales. He will look at railways, docks, piers, and other connections, including Brunel’s great ships which had strong links with South Wales, despite not having been built there.

Christmas Opening Hours

The Hub will be closed to the public for Christmas from Wednesday 21st December and will open again on Tuesday 3rd January.

Hub directors and volunteers wish you a joyful holiday and a happy and healthy New Year.


Ward Councillor’s Update


It’s been a very busy time in the Wenvoe Community since my last update.

The Village Hall celebrated the 100th Birthday, with a fantastic evening of entertainment, hosted by Wenvoe’s very own Johnny Tudor, at the Village Hall. A good night was had by all.

It has now been confirmed that the VOG will be planting a number of shrubs and plants along the edge of the Grange play area.

I am in discussions with the VOG highways department with regards to removing the foot bridge on Port Road and replacing it with a pedestrian crossing, instead of the pedestrian crossing planned for opposite the Walston Castle. I will provide updates as this progresses.

I have raised concerns about the speed limit on St Lythans Road.

I attended the Remembrance Ceremony at the Village cenotaph; what a fantastic turnout there was from our Wenvoe Community.

Finally, if you have any concerns or issues you would like to discuss with regards to our community, my contact details are:


Tel: 07927 588924.

The next WARD COUNCILLOR SURGERY will be on Saturday 10th December. Refreshments will be provided.

Councillor Russell Godfrey


No Scout Post Again This Year


We are sad to notify you that there will be no Scout Post again this year. Work is still progressing to try and restart it for next year. However, it is a major project and requires all parts of Cardiff and Vale Scouts to be in a position to collect, sort and deliver the cards.

Wenvoe Scouts has been going from strength to strength since the restrictions of the pandemic have been lifted. We now have 3 very active sections – Beavers (6-8 yrs), Cubs (8-10 ½ yrs) and Scouts (10 ½-14 yrs).

You may have seen our young people and leaders taking part in the Wenvoe Remembrance Sunday Parade. They were well turned out and organised. I was very proud of them all.

Scouts is a world wide movement for boys and girls. It enables them to make new friends and have amazing adventures while learning new skills and having fun. The younger ones do lots of craft and play games helping prepare them for more adventurous activities including hiking, camping, climbing, abseiling and swimming. They develop dreams which may take them into a future of work and play or just into the District Explorers (14-18 yrs) and Network (18-25 yrs) or on to the role of a Scout Leader.

Some areas are now starting Squirrels for the 4-6 year olds and we have dreams of that too, but need

extra help before we can expand. All leaders are trained and we take safety seriously. If you or anyone you know would like to help by becoming a leader, please contact me.

Big dreams cost money and require volunteer leaders to organise weekly meeting, outings and camps and ensure that the young people are safe while they have fun. We do need additional equipment. Some of this is expensive. If, in lieu of buying stamps you would like to donate to Wenvoe Scouts you can do this via https://www.

To add a child to our waiting list please email with the name and DOB of child


We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.

Thank you,

Jane Fenton-May, Chair Wenvoe Scout Group


November2022 News Update

November2022 News Update

November is often said to be a solemn month. It is certainly a month we remember those who have died in the two world wars, as well as our loved ones who we see no more. So, yes, in so many ways, it is a solemn month, and this has been reflected in our services in church during the month.

Our service of Calm and Reflection on the evening of all Souls Day was a very emotional one for those who had lost a family member during the COVID pandemic, as well as other reasons. The church was in semi-darkness, using the varied settings of our new lighting system. Candles were lit in memory of those whose names had been submitted. These were duly called out. Readings, prayers and singing, accompanied by the skilful playing of our organist, provided a balm for any troubled soul.

Then came Bonfire Night, a noisy celebration of an event long remembered in our nation’s history with the old mantra “Remember, Remember the Fifth of November, Gunpowder Treason and Plot” as told on the front cover of last month’s edition of “What’s On”. This is not an event the church remembers, but during the 17th century the day was marked as a “Deliverance of The King’s Majesty from his enemies” in churches throughout the land.

Armistice Day on the 11th of the month, was marked at 11 o’clock with a short service at the War Memorial, with the top classes from Wenvoe School in attendance. The men from Wenvoe who served in WWI and did not return, were remembered by the names read from the carved inscription on the towering stone taken from the Alps Quarry over 100 years ago.

Remembrance Sunday, in line with similar ceremonies throughout the country, was marked with a service in church, after a break of three years due to COVID. The church was very full, and together with a large contingent of Scouts and Beavers, tributes were offered to all the members of the armed services who fell in battle during WWI and WWII. Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth was also in our thoughts for her sense of duty as the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces for over 70 years, together with the thousands of civilian casualties who are so often overlooked in this national commemoration. A collection was taken to further the work of the Royal British Legion as they continue to look after the survivors of all the wars that have taken place over the years since.

Following the church service, the congregation led by the Choir and Scouts assembled at the Village War Memorial for the formal Act of Remembrance, the Silence and the Laying of Wreaths. Many more people were there and together the solemn nature echoed the ceremony which was taking place at Whitehall at the Cenotaph in the presence of King Charles and other members of the Royal Family. Refreshments served in the Church Hall after the dismissal were very welcome thanks to the ladies of the Social Committee.

At the end of the month a session of Messy Church was held in the Church Hall. It was good to see families getting together with craft work and activities based on the season of Advent; and yes, if they did get their hands dirty, it was all good fun. Vicar Lyndon held a short service in church and then they all had a tea party in the church hall. A good turn out and very happy faces as they returned home.

The November Chattery was noisy being full of chat, mince pies and mini stollen on offer plus of course the FREE raffle with excellent prizes. This monthly gathering is open to all for the low cost of £2.00 with plenty of coffee/tea refills if needed. The next date will be on the 8th December at 10.30am.

The Community Carol Service will be on December 14th at 7.00pm, when members of our local organisation have been invited to take part. The service will be following the Nine Lessons and Carols made popular by the TV broadcasts from Kings College in Cambridge. A collection will be taken to support the work of Ty Hafan hospice for children at Sully. Refreshments will be available afterwards in the Church Hall. The St. Lythan’s Carol Service will be on December 11th at 3.00pm.

The Advent Windows is set to go live on December 1st and windows will be lit up to bring light into the darkness at this time of the year. We are surrounded by much doom and gloom in the country as well as here in Wenvoe. There is much talk in the press and on TV that this year due to the high cost of energy, many will not be able to afford the running costs, and this includes the civic displays in many towns and cities. So, here we are showing to all that we will be seeing all manner of displays and ideas, that bring joy and happiness through the medium of light. So well done everyone for joining in and thanks to Jude Billingham for organising. The last “Window” will be at St. Mary’s Church at 5.00pm on Christmas Eve followed by an All Age Service in the church, which will be warm and full of light. See you there in great numbers. A collection will be taken for Ty Hafan, the children’s hospice in Sully.

As you will read elsewhere in What’s On, our Christmas Services are taking a different pattern to that of previous years. The midnight celebration of the Eucharist has been brought forward to 7.00pm so that the more elderly among us, can attend together with those who have felt in past years that the later timing is not for them. Please support us at this earlier time to hear and sing the True Story of the Saviour’s Birth at Bethlehem some 2,000 years ago. Unlike the baby Jesus whose parents Mary and Joseph could find no room at the Inn, there will be room for you in St. Mary’s. On Christmas Day the only service will be at St. Lythan’s Church at 9.30am with a celebration of the Eucharist with carols.

All that remains is to wish you all a Happy and Blessed Christmas.

Parry Edwards


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