It Has Been A Wonderful Year

  Gwenfo School News May Notes

It has been a wonderful year here at Gwenfo. As we begin our summer holidays we say goodbye to some much loved members of staff. Reception class teacher Mrs Leach and LSA Mrs Edwards have begun their retirements. They have been fantastic educators and supporters in their time with us as part of our Gwenfo family. They will be sorely missed but we wish them well on their new adventures. We also say goodbye to Miss Sheanon who is returning to Ireland and to Miss Vowels as she works to get her PGCE. We are so grateful for all they have done for our school and the children in their time with us. Good luck both! Mrs Maunder begins her maternity leave and we wish her and her family well in this special time. We can’t wait to meet the new baby.
Our last month has been very busy. Year 6 have celebrated the end of their primary education with a wonderful Leavers assembly for their parents, a celebration service at Llandaff Cathedral with other faith schools and a fun packed day at Cosmeston. We know they will do us proud at their new schools in September and are excited to see what the future holds for them.
As a school we participated in Race for Life. Every class took part and they did an amazing job. Thank you to all parents who made a donation for Cancer Research. We celebrated our fantastic children with our end of year talent show. It was wonderful to see all the amazing talents our children have. Thank you to our Year 6 children and staff for organising and running the show. Years 2 and 6 have worked with Mr Rogers from the Local Authority, Year 2 completing road safety lessons and Year 6 taking part in cycling proficiency. Years 1 and 2 had a fantastic messy morning in the last week of term for the end of their Muck, Mess and Mixtures topic.
It’s been a lovely year, the children have learnt and grown and we are so proud of them. We hope all our Gwenfo family have a restful and enjoyable break.


Stem Ginger and Treacle Tart

Stem Ginger and Treacle Tart

375g pack sweet shortcrust pastry

a little flour for dusting

750g golden syrup

225g breadcrumbs

zest and juice of 1 lemon

11/2 tsp ground ginger

3 large eggs

6 – 8 balls stem ginger, thinly sliced

Roll out the pastry and line a prepared 23cm x 3cm deep loose bottom fluted tart case. Line the tin with the pastry and fold the overhang over the sides of the tin. Chill for about 30 mins. Heat the oven 180C. Line the tin with baking paper and baking beans. Blind bake for about 20 mins. Remove the beans and paper and bake for 10 mins more until the pastry is pale golden and sandy, [see Mr Greedy’s note below]. Mix the golden syrup, breadcrumbs, lemon zest and juice, ground ginger and eggs together in a large bowl. Once the pastry is ready lower the oven to 140C. Using a small sharp serrated knife, carefully trim the over hanging edges, then tip in the treacle mixture and bake for 55 mins to 1 hour until the filling is golden and crisp and feels set to touch. Once cooled slightly, arrange the sliced ginger over the top, with a drizzle of syrup from the ginger jar. Lift from the tin and leave to cool and serve with vanilla ice cream or fresh double cream.

Mr Greedy’s note.

If you haven’t got any baking beans use rice as an alternative; it works just as well, Keep the rice for future use; don’t cook with it.


Veggie Bolognese (V)

Veggie Bolognese (V)

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

2 onions, finely chopped

400g can chickpeas, drained, rinsed and roughly chopped

15g dried sliced porcini mushrooms

300g coarsely grated pumpkin or squash

200g coarsely grated courgette

1 tbsp chopped oregano leaves

2 large garlic cloves, crushed

680ml tomato passata

400g can cherry tomatoes, [or fresh sliced in half]

1tbsp balsamic vinegar

400g dried wholemeal pasta

basil leaves and finely grated parmesan or vegetarian alternative, to serve

Heat a large deep sided pan over a medium heat. Add the oil, onion and chickpeas and cook for about 10 mins, stirring occasionally, until the mixture is a deep golden colour. While the chickpeas are cooking put the porcini in a med bowl and cover with 250ml of boiling water. Leave to soak for 15 mins or until softened. While the mushrooms are soaking, add the pumpkin, courgette, oregano and garlic to the pan and cook, stirring, for 5 mins. Drain the mushrooms, reserving the soaking liquid, finely chop and add to the pan. Add the reserved liquid, passata and tomatoes. Leave to simmer for 10 mins or until the mixture has thickened. Add the vinegar and some seasoning and stir to combine. While the sauce is simmering cook the pasta as per packet instructions until al dente. Drain well and serve on warm plates. Top with the sauce and sprinkle with the basil and parmesan.


 Seven Green Flag Awards

Wenvoe Wildlife Group

 Seven Green Flag Awards for 2022!!

This is a tribute to all involved with the community sites. The landowners – The Reader family and Vale of Glamorgan Council – make it possible. Without the land we would not have the orchards and meadows for everyone to enjoy.

Our thanks also to Wildlife Group members who help with the conservation and others who either as individuals or groups cut the grass, strim the vegetation and cut down unwanted bushes and trees, To the Scouts who plant the hedgerows and individuals who fundraise for us – a big THANK YOU.

This year promises to be our biggest crop of fruit so far. Why not visit the orchards and sample over 50 different varieties of apple, pear, plum, cherry, medlar, damson and filbert? The photo shows a Nant Gwrtheryn apple all the way from the Llyn in North Wales. This is in the Welsh Orchard. See if you can find another in any of the other local orchards at Dyffryn, Porthkerry, Peterston etc


Thursday 18th August Walk



Walkers meet at the front of the Village
Hall. If you are interested in a walk, just
turn up. Bert – 20594418.
Thursday 18th August.

A walk from Wenvoe Village Hall. Around 5.5
miles. Meet at 1.00pm at the hall. Country walking,
so boots are advisable. Bert.

Andrew R.T. Davies’ Column


People in Wenvoe, like anybody in the Vale or in Wales as a whole, are entitled to quality healthcare.

And I think I speak for most if not all residents when I say that our NHS staff are doing the best they can, and then some.

I have nothing but gratitude for those staff who are doing so much to help people in Wenvoe when they use our health service.

Unfortunately, those staff, and patients, are suffering. Our NHS performance is not where it should be in a modern, wealthy country.

One area which is of particular concern to me and many people I speak to in the community is A&E waiting times.

People who have to attend A&E are often in a lot of pain and stress, and it is vital that they can be seen promptly so they can move forward with their treatment.

In Cardiff and the Vale Health Board, the health board that serves the community of Wenvoe, in the month of May this year, 1 in 10 A&E patients were waiting more than 12 hours in an emergency department.

Five years ago, in May 2017, only 0.5% of patients were waiting that long.

I know lots of people will agree that we don’t want to see anybody waiting 12 hours in an emergency department.

But to go from 1 in 200 people waiting for 12 hours to 1 in 10 in just 5 years is a serious cause for concern.

These long waits are putting pressure on people’s lives.

It’s not good enough.

It is truly unacceptable that 1 in every 10 A&E attendees are having to wait at least 12 hours to be seen.

We need to see action on this.

I continue to raise this in my capacity in the Senedd, and I will stay on top of this issue, because it has an impact on everybody in our communities.


Breakfast Club and Open Morning


Registered Charity, right in the heart of the Village.

The Playgroup operates from the Village Hall and has been operating for over 50 Years. We are registered with Care Inspectorate Wales to care for 30 Children at any one-time from the age of 2 Years 4 months. We open 8.00am until 1.00pm Monday to Friday and on Wednesday and Thursday we offer care until 3:15pm.

Breakfast Club: Our breakfast club is open daily from 8.00am, where we support children across to Nursery and Reception class for 08:50am. Children may also remain with us into our 9am session until 12noon or 1.00pm.

Wrap around care: We collect children daily at 11:20am from Wenvoe Nursery and on into lunch club until 1.00pm or 3:15pm on Wednesday and Thursday. We also take children across from our morning sessions to afternoon Nursery for 1.00pm daily.

30 Hour Free Childcare Offer

Children from Cardiff and the Vale are benefiting from this offer. 12.5 hours are used for LEA Nursery and 17.5 hours per week can be allocated to time with us here at Playgroup. This offer is for children the term after their 3rd Birthday. To find out more, please visit our website: www.wenvoeplaygroup.

Tax Free Childcare: We accept payment via the Government’s Tax Free Childcare. Many parents at this time use this method to pay fees, or use alongside the 30 Hour Free Childcare to top up their extra hours/fees. Families set up a Tax-Free Childcare account and for example; for every £8 the family pay in; Welsh Government pay in £2. For further information go to

Further information can be found on our website

Our Statement of purpose and Admissions Policy & Procedure can be found in ‘DOCUMENTS’ on our website which may be useful for times and prices. However; if you want to know more, please email or phone. All contacts are on our website.

We are holding an open morning on September 9th from 9.00am until 12noon. Please feel free to bring your child along to view our provision or pop in and ask your questions. We do have limited space at this time. We have waiting lists started for September 2023; should you wish to be added to our lists please email.

Wenvoe Playgroup message of thanks.

We would just like to take this opportunity to thank a few important Volunteers from behind the scenes:

Our Voluntary RI – Russell Godfrey, along with our Voluntary Management Committee for their support with fundraising and management decisions.

Thanks to Darren Bellamy for putting up with our constant emails to update our website and Lisa for all her support in helping the group with Christmas and Easter fundraising efforts.

Thanks must go to Dave Pritchard, who has helped with painting and odd jobs for the group and is always there in our hour of need.

A big thanks must go to Chris Evans of Lawray Architects, who has worked tirelessly with the group to secure a shelter for the children to play outside in all weathers. As the cost of materials rose this year, in between receiving the grant money and paying for the equipment, we would like to thank Chris for the extra money he paid to finish some work.

We are so reliant and grateful to those who help us on a voluntary basis. Wenvoe Playgroup couldn’t do it without all you lovely people coming to our rescue. The children and staff are very grateful to have you all supporting us.

We are grateful to all the families who have supported us this year. Your generosity has been amazing, supporting fundraising, raffle prizes and tickets, and supporting the group with essentials throughout the past year.

In the past academic year, we were very sad to see Auntie Marilyn retire from Playgroup life. Marilyn has been a huge part of our community for the past 30 years, that I have known her. Marilyn has worked and supported the Playgroup for many years, most of it for the love of it! Marilyn was committed to our Village Hall and Playgroup and we would like to take this opportunity to thank her for everything that she has done in the community over many years. Thank you Maz x

From the end of this academic year, Auntie Fran will also be retiring, to enjoy travelling the world in term time. Fran has worked with pre-school children since 1998 and supported the group since June 2008. Fran will be greatly missed by all the children and staff. I know many parents past and present will be sorry to see her retire. We would all like to wish you a very happy retirement Fran. However, as Marilyn will know, retirement is never the end. I’m sure we will be calling on your help in the future.

We hope everyone is having a safe summer and we look forward to seeing our returning children and new families in September.


Unusual and Interesting Variations.

Unusual and Interesting Variations

Even the commonest plants and animals can throw up unusual and interesting variations. This photo shows a wildflower found all round the village which is Great Bindweed. Usually it is trumpet shape but the variation in the photo has the petals split and is called Quinque partita. It is growing close to the bus-stop near Pughs Garden Centre along with plenty of the normal version. And whilst the bindweeds can be a nuisance to gardeners, the bees love them.

Several people have noticed white versions of the Common Spotted Orchid growing in the Upper Orchid Field and the field by the Premier Inn. White versions of the Early Purple Orchid often appear on the footpath between Whitehall Farm and Burdons Hill and an albino buzzard was spotted a few years back which was being mobbed by crows. A blackbird was reported in Vennwood Close which had some white feathers – a form known as leucism caused by a melanin pigment deficiency. Last year we found a double form of a buttercup growing in the wild.

So, keep your eyes skinned and be on the lookout for anything unusual. If you find something different, take a photo and let the Wildlife Group know.


The Depleted Team

On a blistering hot morning the depleted team tackled an overgrown hedge on Tarrws Lane. While doing so we cleared the rubbish that was obstructing the old well (pictured).

Some of the elders made up an interview panel to vet a new member. Big John sorted out his details and signed him up for life membership. Gareth ‘Sing Song’ would like us to double our efforts, as there is always a lot to be done around the village. The only snag is the cost to the NHS with the extra prescriptions. A couple of members have been deemed good looking enough to attend the Silver Foxes coffee mornings which came as a surprise to the rest of us and a disappointment that we were not in the first draft, or second come to that!

Our next outing will be on Monday 8th August at the Community Centre at 9.30am.

We will be allowing carers along at the August meeting but not parole officers or your social worker

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