What Colour Analysis is All About

I often get asked what Colour Analysis is all about, what does it involve and what really are the benefits to me getting my colours done. So get yourself a cup of tea and enjoy:

♠ What is colour analysis? – In a nutshell it’s an in-depth three stage process that identifies the perfect pallet of colours that complement your hair, skin and eye colouring the most.

♠  Can I analyse myself online? – There are compa-nies that claim to do this. However it’s very difficult to achieve this accurately without the perfect lighting, having drapes in 135 colours and someone who has a trained eye for colour analysis.

♠ Y Why have your colours done? – Once you know the colours that suit you you will receive a swatch wallet containing examples of 42 colours to use when shopping. Once you have this you will know instant-ly whether or not an item of clothing or make-up is going to work well with your colouring saving you time when shopping and also money as you won’t make mistakes. When you wear colours that suit you you will look brighter, more radiant, healthier and younger. Wearing the wrong colours can be draining, change your skin tone, clash with your hair colour and age you. Ultimately wearing colours that you look great wearing will make you feel happy!

♠  What happens during a colour consultation? – You will learn about the concept and theory of colour analysis and how the tone, depth and clarity of your features look great with some colours and not so good with others. I will take you through the 3-stage process to identify all your perfect colours. There are 24 different combinations so your pallet will be very unique to you. You’ll discover your really “wow” colours which always give me goose bumps and learn how to introduce your new colours into your ward-robe and your life. I will also show you a personalised pallet of make-up colours so you can see how your whole look pulls together.

♠  Where do I go to have my colours done? – I have a style studio based in Wenvoe with the perfect lighting for analysing colours.

♠ How long does it take? Usually between 2 and 2½hours.

♠  How much does it cost? – £125 which includes your personalised swatch wallet and a make-up tutorial.

♠  How long will I benefit from it? -A lifetime unless you change your hair colour dramatically or your hair and skin colour has aged naturally since you last had it done.

Get in touch to book your colour analysis now, you’ll wish you did it years ago! Nicole Griffiths, Colour and Makeup Consultant



Major Progress In February

By the time you read this, so much has taken place in church towards the latter end of February. We are now in the solemn season of Lent, that period of 40 days before Easter, that the church keeps a low key as a preparation for the glorious feast of Easter, when we celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord in Glory on the first day of the week. Shrove Tuesday (pancake day), the day before Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent was kept, when we joined in proceedings with our friends in Sully. St. David was not forgotten and he was remembered in our church school, with lots of leeks and daffodils in evidence. Our annual fun quiz took place on Leap Years day, and was well supported with all tickets sold out, and our quiz master Mr Ian Moody as usual had much head scratching among the quizzers with his thought provoking questions.

The restoration of the floor tiles meant the church had to be closed during the week so an alternative venue for Ash Wednesday was arranged, and having had a sneak preview of the work being carried on the tiles, the final effect will be a surprise to many people.

The wall plastering within the chancel and at the rear of the organ console is now complete and is drying out in readiness for the final coat of paint after the floor tiles have been cleaned and restored. The dossal curtains, on either side of the altar, have been to the dry cleaners, and will be back in their accustomed place for Easter. Just for the record these curtains were given to St. Mary’s by the Young Farmers many years ago when the Rev John Christopher was Rector, and they have served us well.

Work has continued in the churchyard, with more gravestones being stabilised, and the laurel hedge along Walston Rd/Clos Llanfair has been cut back and lowered. It was thought that this hedge was getting out of hand and was encroaching on graves, and of course being laurel it will all grow back. Many of the older historic memorial stones have been sprayed to remove the layers of dirt and Verdigris which was obliterating the carved inscription, and now are so easy to read.

There has always been a mystery surrounding a pile of dismantled gravestones in the far corner of the “new” churchyard to a family called “HEWINS” recording the death of a son of the family being killed in Cairo in 1942. Investigation on the Commonwealth Graves website has revealed that he was in the Royal Air force Reserve and that he was killed on active service and buried in the Heliopolis War Cemetery in Cairo, Egypt. His grieving family recorded his death here in Wenvoe as a mark of respect and an acknowledgement that he was not forgotten, even though he was buried in a foreign field so far away. His name is not on the Village War Memorial as his family home was in Sketty, Swansea at the time of his death and possibly the parents had moved away from Wenvoe when the war ended in 1945. The other mystery that remains

is why was the grave dismantled, so that the original site of it has now been lost.

Jon and his two churchwardens attended the inaugural 2020 Pilgrimage service at Llandaff Cathedral and brought back to Wenvoe the Pilgrimage Candle which will burn at every service during the year of pilgrimage. The “pilgrim bear” is making its progress around the diocese and will be in Wenvoe sometime at the end of the year. More of that later.

This year, it has been decided that the Lent Lunches will not be held on the Wednesdays in Lent as in previous years, due to falling numbers who attended over the past few years. The Agape Supper on the evening of Maundy Thursday will still take place. More details later.

Mothering Sunday on the 22nd March will be an All Age Celebration of the Eucharist at 9.30 am with a contribution from our “Pebbles” children. The church will be decorated with the daffodils grown from the bulbs given to the children at last year’s Harvest Festival celebration. As in previous years, if the bulbs fail there is always M&S or the garden centre to fall back on.

Christian Aid Update 2020 – This year Christian Aid will be addressing Climate Change and how this affects the most vulnerable communities. They are featuring some of the work they have undertaken in Kenya where families and whole communities have needed to change the way in which they produce their crops. Here families who are suffering the most with climate change have needed to work together to ensure they find ways to harness what rainfall they have so that they can water their crops, and secure their futures.

Count Your Blessings Lent Calendar: This helps us gain day by day information and challenges alongside prayer requests addressing life stories and examples of what can be achieved. The Calendars will be available in church from 20th February or contact Jude Billingham on 02920594708.

VE 75 – Preparations to celebrate and mark the 75th anniversary of the ending of WWII in Europe are in hand and will be announced shortly as we join in with the Community for the peace we have enjoyed since 1945.

Blessings to all readers, and a warm welcome awaits you at St. Mary’s.

Parry Edwards



February Meeting News


President Madeleine welcomed everyone to the meeting on 6th February and gave a special welcome to several new members, especially Ann Daniel, who was celebrating her 80th birthday that day.

Our speaker for the evening was our very own Maria Williams. Maria is a professional musician and teacher. She has sung in various parts of the world during an extremely successful career. Music is beneficial to physical and mental wellbeing – this was stressed as we travelled through various breathing exercises. With her amazing voice Maria sang a popular love song, a spiritual song and a third song about peace, war and freedom. We all enjoyed joining in with Maria’s singing and then we all sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ann.

Maria concluded her talk with a story about her recent visit to a church in the centre of London. She has visited this church regularly and has sung there. This church has been involved in the founding of many charitable organisations, such as Shelter and Amnesty International. It has a reputation for compassion gained through many years of engaging with poverty and deprivation. Hence the story we heard was very moving.

During refreshments we all thoroughly enjoyed the delicious cake kindly donated by Ann to celebrate her 80th.

WI business began with the announcement of the Glamorgan Federation events. Members were informed of a quiz to be held on 6th April at Culverhouse Cross and a board will be available next month for signing up.

A letter has been received from the charity “Dogs For Good” confirming that a local speaker will attend our September meeting, when we shall present a cheque – the result of our fundraising efforts this year.

Next month’s meeting will be on Thursday, 5th March at 7pm at Wenvoe Church Hall. Our speaker on this occasion will be Pam Cockerill. She will be talking about “Telling Tales”. Any visitors can always be assured of a warm welcome and there is no charge.



Join the Craft Club

Wenvoe Community Centre
9:30-3:30 Mondays & Wednesdays
Bring your project and craft along with a friendly group of crafters who are interested in all kinds of textile work.
Learn new skills in patchwork, quilting, embroidery, feltying, crochet etc. Beginners and more experi-enced crafters welcome.
Just £72 for 12 weeks for either day, or you could sign up to both days.
For futher information, phone Linda: 02920 593679



Apple and Cardamon Cake

Apple and Cardamon Cake

125g butter, softened + extra for greasing

20 cardamom pods, [or1½ tsp ground cinnamon]

150g caster sugar

2 large eggs

130g plain flour, sifted

30g ground almonds

1 tsp baking powder

3/4 tsp fine sea salt

zest of 1 lemon, and 1 tbsp. of the juice

3 eating apples, peeled [use a softer apple]

1 tbsp. Demerara sugar

Preheat the oven to 170C. Grease and line a 20cmround, deep cake tin. Break open the cardamom pods, extract the seeds and grind to a powder in a pestle and mortar, set aside. Using a food mixer, beat the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Slowly beat in the eggs, flour, ground almonds, baking powder, salt, lemon zest and juice, and 1/2 of the ground cardamom [or cinnamon], until fully combined. The mixture will be quite stiff. Transfer to the lined tin and level out. Quarter the apples and slice away the cores. Put cored side down on a board and make thin parallel cuts into each piece, without cutting all the way through, so they remain intact, [like hassel back potatoes]. Position the apple quarters on top of the cake [cut to size if required] Stir together the demerara sugar and the remaining cardamom [or cinnamon] and sprinkle over the top of the cake. Bake for 55mins – 1hour 5 mins until golden and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Check after 45 mins if browning too quickly, cover with foil. Leave to cool for about 10 mins and lift out onto a wire rack to cool completely. Serve with a spoonful of extra thick double cream.



Chicken and Chorizo Jumbalaya

Chicken and Chorizo Jumbalaya

1 tbsp. garlic olive oil

2 large skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite sizes pieces

1 onion, diced

1 red pepper, thinly sliced

3 large cloves of garlic, finely chopped

100g chorizo, cut into chunks

1 tbsp. Cajun seasoning

250g long grain rice

400g can chopped tomatoes

350ml chicken stock, [use an oxo]

Heat the oil in a large frying pan with lid and brown the diced chicken breasts until golden, about 5 – 8 mins. Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside. In the same pan add the onion and cook for about 3 – 4 mins until soft. Add the sliced pepper, chopped garlic, chorizo and the Cajun seasoning, and cook for a further 5 mins. Add the chicken to the pan with the long grain rice, the can of tomatoes and the chicken stock. Stir well to combine. Cover and simmer for about 20 – 25 mins until the rice is tender. Stir during cooking.



Hoping For a Career in the Media

It’s not news that I’m hoping to follow a career in the media. Although I currently work for Cardiff University’s newspaper, Gair Rhydd, I don’t think I will pursue a career in newspapers.
But despite my aspirations to become a journalist, it doesn’t mean I can’t hold the media accountable. Recently, more so than ever, I’ve been more aware of the media’s perception of certain celebrities. The way some are attacked and vilified. How some media outlets will do everything in their power to gain a story.
With Taylor Swift’s tell-all documentary hitting Netflix at the end of January and with the recent and sudden death of television presenter Caroline Flack, it’s time we realise that targeting certain celebrities creates a mob mentality – and can often cause serious harm.
Most people by now will likely know I’m a big fan of Taylor Swift. Since her Fearless album, I’ve followed her career and enjoyed her music. I feel I’ve grown up with her and her music and getting more of an inside look into her private life in her documentary has been fascinating. I feel I relate inherently with the way she reacts to how others perceive her. She mentioned how she’d built her entire belief system on being liked. But when the world turned against her, she had to rebuild.
Taylor Swift has been criticised her entire career. Either because of who she’s dating or how she reacts to situations. She’s been scrutinised and clearly it meant she had to think about everything she did in her life. Which seems normal – to a point. It seems she put so much pressure on herself to be ‘perfect’ that she even considers her album Reputation a failure because of its lack of Grammy nominations – despite many, myself included, counting the album as one of her best.
The media has spent many of Swift’s years creating her as a ‘love to hate’ personality. During 2016, following Kanye West’s Famous song debacle, and Kim Kardashian West’s recording, the world quite literally turned on Swift. The media seemed to join in on this mass hatred of Swift, to a point where, when she was dealing with a sexual assault case, numerous media outlets were continuing to criticise her. Even as Taylor Swift was going through one of the hardest things anyone might have to go through, many media outlets were capitalising on her hardship.
I understand that the world has an obsession with celebrity culture, and that celebrities are seen as the ‘elite’. However, to an extent, the media can be perceived to be out for blood. I recently saw a viral video of Selena Gomez leaving a restaurant where she said, ever so timidly, ‘do you mind leaving me alone, please?’ to paparazzi. Their response was simply ‘we got here first, there’ll be more in a second’, but Gomez even mentioned how they were scaring her.
Of course, celebrities put themselves in a position where the world scrutinises them. It’s, unfortunately, part of the deal. However, there is certainly a point where things can go too far. And it often does.
Caroline Flack was charged last December with assaulting her boyfriend. Overnight, her life was upended. I sincerely believe that an abuser should be punished for their actions. However, the vindication Flack received during her assault trial was not the first time Flack was targeted by some media outlets.
As with many female celebrities, everything Caroline Flack did was scrutinised. It feels as though the media were thrilled when her assault charges hit the headlines in December.
Flack’s boyfriend dropped the charges against her, and yet the trial continued on (Flack was meant to stand trial next month). Although I believe assault trials should be carried through even despite charges being dropped – it’s notable that Flack’s trial was not dropped, when sadly, in most cases, the charges being dropped would mean the trial would be over. It seems like Flack’s trial not being dropped is in part due to the fact she was famous.
It seemed unlikely, due to her persona on ITV’s Love Island and BBC’s Strictly Come Dancing, that she could be an abuser. And in part, I think the media loved that. It was a story which seemed so unlikely – which meant it would sell.
Again, I’m not saying Caroline Flack’s abuse of her boyfriend ought to be excused. I am however saying that the way her trial and the allegations were handled seemed targeted in a way which was different from how abusers are often perceived by the media.
Of course, it is not entirely the media’s fault. In order to sell papers and gain more clicks to websites, you must make sure your content is what the public will want. If the world is hating a certain celebrity, the media will capitalise on this. It is both the media buying into this mob mentality which is harmful, but also the public’s creation of the mob mentality which can cause severe damage.
Everyone should be accountable for their actions. However, if these celebrities are being held accountable, then so should everyone else, and that includes the media, too.
No one else should feel like ending their life is the only way out of the hounding from social media trolls and the media.

By Tirion Davies



Braving the Elements

Braving the Elements

Last month we were a small party, probably due to the high winds. Those of us who braved the elements, with ballast in our trouser bottoms, cut back the roses and tidied the border in front of the community centre.The border has had a lot of daffs planted there, but they have refused to show willing so far, unlike the rest of the village where they can’t wait to show off for St. David’s Day.Our next meeting will be on Monday 9th March at 9.30 am. Our work load will increase now Spring has sprung, so any help would be most welcome. Thank you.



Open Gardens Day In Wenvoe?

Open Gardens Day In Wenvoe?

We were wondering if there is sufficient interest for
another open gardens day in Wenvoe?
We would probably be thinking about early July
and would like to do it in aid of St Mary’s Church
building fund.
Are there any gardeners from last year and
hopefully some new volunteers, who would like to
join in and make it another enjoyable village day
event? If so please contact Brian and Sandra Jones
at brianmanseljones@icloud.com or 029 2059 4248
or call in at 6,Walston Road.



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