Gwenfo School News March Notes

  Gwenfo School News March Notes

This month we are celebrating the huge generosity of our school community. With just a short deadline our wonderful families and wider community donated over 200 boxes worth of clothing, food and medical supplies to send out to Ukrainians who have fled to Poland. We are so grateful to all who made donations and showed their support. Thank you to members of our staff and some of our Year 6 pupils for sorting out all the donations into the boxes to be sent to Poland. We have been so impressed by the empathy and kindness that our children have shown.

At the beginning of March, we celebrated our Eisteddfod. We had a wonderful time sharing the fantastic art, poetry, stories and handwriting that our children have worked so hard on. Parents had the opportunity to buy their child’s framed artwork, the proceeds from which are going to our Criw Cymraeg to support the learning of Welsh in school. The children also enjoyed our carousel of Welsh themed activities, including Welsh folk dancing and making Welsh cakes or Welsh rarebit.

Years 3 and 4 have been creating art out of fruit and vegetables inspired by Giuseppe Arcimboldo’s Vertumnus, for their topic Sow, Grow and Farm. Years 5 and 6 have been busy exploring their new topic Gallery Rebels. They are researching art styles and artists, using a variety of media to create their own art and reading the Frank Cotterell Boyce novel ‘Framed.’ Years 4, 5 and 6 had a wonderful time with an online codalong session with Code Club.

Staff had a lovely visit after school to the newly refurbished Gwenfo Library and we are all looking forward to the prospect of returning to the library for a variety of activities. Whilst we will be celebrating World Book Day later in the year, we were delighted to welcome Mel from Griffin Books in Penarth who brought some books for the children to choose from and spend their World Book Day vouchers on.


Volunteering At Gwenfo School


Would you be free to volunteer a little time on a regular basis? If so please contact the school and we can chat to you about opportunities here. We would love to be able to open our doors up to our community again and need to rebuild our list of volunteers. We will help organise the DBS checks and will always provide a warm welcome!

Please pop in for a chat with Miss Starke if you are interested.



February Notes


  Gwenfo School News February Notes

We have had a lovely half term at Gwenfo exploring our topics and learning a lot. Our action for happiness for February was Direction. We have been learning how to set achievable goals, challenging ourselves to do something a bit difficult. This has fitted in well with our value of Perseverance.

We have welcomed our new set of student teachers this month. We are so glad to have them and hope they enjoy their time with us.

For Children’s Mental Health Week, we had a virtual visit from Matt Lewis and Luke. They helped us think about all the ways we can look after our mental health, from exercise to being present. Across Key Stage 2 we have been thinking about being kind to each other. We used the example of a heart which we crumpled up. No matter how much we smooth it out, the heart is never going to be the same. Just as saying sorry does not fix unkind words or actions.

Years 3 and 4 had a fantastic engagement day for their topic. They planted seeds, made scarecrows, and wrote spring poetry. Year 6 went for a walk around the village to look for examples of positive and negative human behaviour. They were delighted to see the new library building open.

After our half term break, we look forward to celebrating Eisteddfod. Each class is currently preparing a song and working on stories, artwork, and poems to celebrate the best of Wales. For the week of St Da-vid’s Day, we will be doing carousels of activities such as sewing and cooking.



News For February 2022


  Gwenfo School News For February 2022

We’ve been so delighted to welcome back our children after our Christmas break. We look forward to a busy and enjoyable Spring Term. We are glad to welcome back our friends from The Baxter Project and Cardiff City Foundation.

This half term our value is Perseverance, which fits in perfectly with our Action for Happiness this month, Trying New Things. We’ve been trying new things and not giving up when things get difficult. We’ve been making new friends in school and talking to people we don’t usually talk to in our classes. Year 2 learnt to make pompoms and did a fantastic job. Year 6 had a first session with Forces Fitness, taking part in team building activities including a very competitive tug of war.

We have some exciting new topics to explore this term. Years 5 and 6 are learning about Identity. They’ve been talking about what it means to be us. Year 6 are also looking at some great science fiction texts such as War of the Worlds. Years 3 and 4 are learning about coal mines with their history-based topic, Pits and Ponies, Years 1 and 2 have an exciting space-based topic called Moon Zoom. Year 1 have been busy creating a class Space Station, whilst Nursery and Reception are exploring nighttime. They’ll be learning about bedtime, people who work at night and nocturnal animals.

On January 25th we took part in Mr Urdd Day, dressing in green, red and white, and taking part in a World Record attempt singing and dancing to Hei Mistar Urdd with schools across Wales. This exciting day was to celebrate 100 years of Mr Urdd, the mascot of Urdd Gobaith Cymru, who provide experiences to young people in Wales through the medium of Welsh




Gwenfo School News For November

At Gwenfo we’re buzzing to be back for a very exciting half term. Preparations for Christmas are well underway with lots of fun planned.

This half term our value is Trust. We have been talking about what trust is, who we trust and how we can put our trust in God when we are finding things difficult.

Our November Action for Happiness is Exercise and the children are exploring the benefits of exercise and movement for making us feel happy.

Our Nursery and Reception classes are exploring their Sparkle and Shine topic. In Nursery the children have been busy learning all about exciting celebrations like Diwali, Bonfire Night, and will be learning the Christmas story. They had an exciting time holding sparklers for Bonfire Night. Reception have created an amazing party role play area and are learning all about celebrations like Diwali, Remembrance Day and birthdays. They invited some animal friends to a party with lots of decorations and party food.

Year 3 and 4 have a wonderful geography-based topic this half term called Misty Mountains, Winding Rivers. They have been learning to use an atlas to find out where some famous rivers are.

In Year 5 and 6 their topic is called Roses and Royals and is all about the Tudors. They have started by learning about Henry VII and are writing their own biographies. They have even mapped the route Henry VII took before the Battle of Bosworth.

Year 6 made a poppy wreath for Remembrance Day on which they wrote their wishes for the future. Some of Year 6’s wishes included an end to climate change, no more wars and an end to suffering across the world. The wreath was placed at the War Memorial at a special service on Remembrance Day. Huge thanks to Parry for leading the service and talking to the children about the significance and history of the memorial in Wenvoe.



Gwenfo School News For July


Gwenfo School News For July

Another wonderful busy month at Gwenfo. This month our Action for Happiness theme is Relating. We’ve had lovely assemblies thinking about how to connect with each other. Next month we’ll be talking about the importance of Exercising and taking care of our bodies.

Foundation Phase had a wonderful Superhero Day as part of their topic. It was lovely to see them all dressed up. They are learning about the power of good deeds and being kind. Reception watched the story of the Rainbow fish to help them with this.

Year 3 and 4 end the half term with their own Roman dress up day. They’ve been learning a Roman numerals song and writing diary entries as if they were Roman children. Year 3 and 4 also enjoyed a virtual music lesson with Rocksteady Music School. On Fridays Year 3 and 4 enjoy ‘My Day Friday’. They’ve created Disney characters, drawn Dinosaurs and learnt about Space!

Year 5 and 6 have been working hard creating Potion bottles out of clay and looking at the solubility of different substances. They’ve been looking at significant children’s authors such as Lewis Carroll and Roald Dahl and creating story maps for their favourite Roald Dahl books.

As a school we celebrated World Mental Health Day on October 8th by wearing yellow and thinking about how to look after our and others mental health.

We’re extending a huge Gwenfo welcome to our new PGCE students who begin their first teaching placement with us. We’re delighted to have them and hope they enjoy their time here.

We had a bittersweet afternoon saying goodbye to Vicar Jon. Each class sang a hymn and as a school we sang ‘Goodbye Vicar Jon’ which Mrs. Jones very kindly wrote to mark the occasion. Vicar Jon will be very much missed at Gwenfo. We are all so grateful for everything he has done for us and we wish him well at his new parish. They are very lucky to have him.



Wonderful to Be Back


It’s wonderful to be back together as a school after a lovely break.

The children are settling in well. Welcome back to all our children, and a special Gwenfo welcome to our new children and their families.

It’s been a busy start to term already. Year 4 are learning all about the outdoors with Forest Schools. They have been enjoying time in the mud and have been making potions, and exploring the outdoor space that Wenvoe has to offer. Year 6 will be working with Cardiff City Foundation for a PE session every week. They are looking forward to some fun team games.

We are delighted that Vicar Jon and Goldie continue to join us virtually for assembly.

This half term our value is Thankfulness. We have talked about the importance of saying thank you for the little things, like our adults waking us up for school or making our breakfast. As a school we are learning all about how to be happier with Action for Happiness. Our Key to Happier Living for this month is Giving. The children have been learning why it is important to do things for others and how this makes us feel good.



Journeying Into High School


Journeying Into High School

We would like to wish our Year 6 pupils every happiness and success as they continue on their journey into high school. They recently had a super day together in the park, playing games together and enjoying hot dogs and ice cream. They also shared a lovely assembly, in which they reminisced about their memories at Gwenfo.

Last week, we had a special outdoor ‘Songs of Praise’ assembly for, Mrs Claire James, who will be retiring at the end of term. Each class sang a hymn for Mrs. James; it was a very beautiful and moving service. Mrs. James has taught in Gwenfo for over 25 years, with so many pupils benefiting from her dedication and commitment to providing the best possible opportunities and learning experiences for all. She has also been a wonderful colleague and we would all like to wish her all the very best for retirement, including spending precious time with her family and grandchildren.

Last week, staff and children alike dressed in Welsh colours to celebrate a very special Welsh week- good fun was had by all. Thanks must go to Mrs. Crouch for her very hard work in the organisation of it.

We would like to say a very big thankyou to the Cubs and their leaders who came and weeded the school grounds this week. It is hugely appreciated.

Many Year 6 children completed a shortened version of their cycling proficiency with all pupils passing their Level 1 award. Year 2 have also taken part in kerbcraft sessions, in which they learnt how to cross the roads safely.

We cannot believe we have come to the end of the academic year! The time has simply flown! We would like to say a heartfelt thankyou to our pupils and their families for their wonderful support during the challenges of this past year.

Wishing you all a very happy summer with hopefully lots of sunshine



Gwenfo News Again!



It is lovely to be writing our school news for the Gwenfo News again!

What a year, but through it all, we have continued to thrive and flourish as a team and learning community.

During lockdown, our ICT skills grew immeasurably!!!

It was absolutely lovely to welcome the children back to school when they returned during the Spring term; they all settled back in quickly and beautifully.

Time passes so quickly and it is hard to believe that we are now in our final half term before the summer break. Although things still look very different in school with regards to social distancing and keeping in our bubbles, we have many lovely activities planned, including theatre workshops and Gwenfo Book Day.

We look forward to keeping you updated with our news.

Best wishes from all of us at Gwenfo Primary!



New Rules To Follow

New Rules To Follow

Since our return to school in September we have enjoyed being back together, learning and growing with our friends. We have lots of new rules to follow to keep each other safe but School is very happy and settled. Please take a look at our Twitter feed @GwenfoCWPrimary for pictures of some of our school activities. Thank you to our whole community for your smiles, kind words and letters of support. It really does mean so much in these uncertain times.

Both Cardiff and the Vale remain areas of local lockdown and we are so thankful for all that our families are doing to keep each other and us safe. In school we remain in our year group bubbles and follow strict guidelines to ensure this. Please help us by replicating this in the community. We are aware of a number of incidences of anti-social behaviour within the village which have been reported to local Headteachers. We urge anyone to phone 101 to log incidences of bad behaviour and have requested that our local PCSO can patrol past the park. We have also reported our concerns to the Community Council. The park is currently one of the few places that families can meet outdoors and it saddens me to see a small number of children spoiling it for everyone.



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