History Of Wenvoe’s Allotments


As a former allotment holder I was fascinated to read this article in the South Wales Star dated 31 March 1893.

Next business: the selection of Field wardens for the Allotment. Mr T Thomas and Mr G J Thomas re-elected.

Wenvoe Vestry Meeting: The Allotment question. In reply to questions the Chairman stated the whole of the allotments had been cultivated this year. Last year there was one left uncultivated but now they had some difficulty in suiting all who applied and had to divide two or three pieces between two persons. Last year three prizes had been offered and he was pleased to say that this year the Rector had expressed his willingness to give a prize of 10 shillings for the allotments.

Mr J Thomas also explained what had been done in the past in regard to the allotments. He stated that at the Dinas Powis show 3 prizes had been given for the cultivating of the allotments- 10 shillings, 7 shillings 6 pence and 5 shillings. The judges had said people could not expect a prize if they only grew potatoes..if they did it showed they had a garden elsewhere and only set potatoes in the field. The allotments were intended to help the men who cultivated them as gardens. They had done well with their allotment; although they gave the people 8 perches for 1 shilling a year they had sufficient money in hand to give them about 2 shillings worth of lime for their 1 shilling.

There were 24 allotments of 8 perches each. They belonged to the working classes and had been left by the Enclosure Commissioners for the industrious poor of the village when that body took over St Lythans Downs.

(|Note: 8 perches is 0.05 of an acre; one shilling is 5p in new money)

by Nigel Billingham

The Wenvoe allotments are located at Twyn-yr-Odyn adjacent to the playing field. Please contact wenvoeccallotments@gmail.com to enquire about the allotments and contact the Wardens for any concerns.




Allotment News


We have been informed of recent thefts at the allotments, including tools. We are extremely saddened by this. We suggest you do not leave valuable items at the allotment.

The details have been passed onto the Community Police Officer. However, he has asked if a theft takes place, that the plot holder reports it to 101 so they are immediately aware.

A very warm welcome is extended to new allotment holders, Margaret and Ian.
They are pictured here on their new allotment at Twyn Yr Odyn.



Thank you

Clerk on behalf of the Allotment Wardens



Allotment News Update

Allotment News Update Jan 2020

We are in the process of obtaining quotes to renew the pathways between the allotments as these have become overgrown and some have started to use it in addition to their plot.

We are also obtaining quotes for fencing to be placed which will also have plot numbers so they are easily identified.

o Please can all existing plot holders provide their contact details to the clerk ; wenvoecc@googlemail.com.



The Radio 2 Allotment Man


On Monday 2nd October we were invited to visit Terry Walton’s allotment in Trealw in the heart of the Rhondda. Terry retired in 2001 and by some fortunate means started broadcasting from his allotments on the, then new, Jeremy Vine show on Radio 2.


Terry took his first allotment plot at eleven years old and over fifty years later he still has one plot on the same allotment. He is known to most as the ‘born again’ organic gardener because of his strategic way of growing all his produce using natural means of nourishing them.

Terry takes great pleasure in sharing his plot and growing experiences with fellow growers. Here we are stood outside the infamous Albie’s café



Gardeners’ Question Time



Plot holders at Twyn-yr-odyn Allotments held their second social event on Tuesday 25th July in the Wenvoe Arms. We borrowed the format of the long-running BBC Radio programme in which gardeners put questions to a panel of experts. Our distinguished panel were: Trevor Case a fellow allotmenteer with an extensive career in horticulture, James Daughton of Pugh’s of Garden Centre, Joyce Hoy an enthusiastic gardener with a degree in botany and Phil Morant who has been tending his plot at Twyn-yr-odyn for 46 years. Our compère was Sue Hoddell who did a fantastic job in introducing the panel and keeping the lively audience in hand.

The questions were many and varied and included the control of vermin, and blight, specific vegetable care and manure and soil improvement. We were all impressed with each member’s knowledge of and enthusiasm for gardening and allotments in particular.

We would like to thank Jennie and Digby for hosting the event at the Wevoe Arms. For our next event, we hope to visit Terry Walton's allotment. Terry is the well-known gardener who broadcasts on the Jeremy Vine show from his Rhondda allotments. Details to follow.




Allotments Available


Wish you had a space to grow your own produce, love working in the fresh air, like a healthy lifestyle, then why not rent an allotment from the Community Council.

These days a lot of the plots are divided in two making a more manageable area for those with limited time to spare.

The allotments are located at Twyn-yr-Odyn and there is a water supply to the site.

Did you know that just 30 minutes of gardening on your allotment can burn around 150 calories, the same as doing low impact aerobics?

Interested? Contact the Clerk to the Council on 20591139 or e-mail wenvoecc@googlemail.com for more details

Allotments Available




allotDo you enjoy growing fruit and vegetables but do not have sufficient room in your garden? Would you like an allotment. An enjoyable pastime, spring will be with us in the next few months and the growing season will be underway.

The Council has full and half allotments for rent. Full allotment £25/year, half allotment £15.

The allotments are located at Twyn-yr-Odyn, there is water available on the site.

Present allotment holders are only to happy to give you hints and tips if you are new to this hobby.

Interested – Contact the Clerk to the Council on 029 2059 1139 or e mail wenvoecc@googlemail.com.


