Challenging Times Ahead


We Could Never Have Imagined The Challenging Times Ahead Of Us

This time last year we could never have imagined the challenging times ahead of us – times that were going to cause great stress and great sadness for many people. We hope all our members, their families and their friends are keeping well and staying safe.

By the time this article is printed members will have received their Easter wishes and packet of “bee friendly” sunflower seeds. The flowers will remind us of our dear friend, Margaret, who brought a ray of sunshine to our WI with her welcoming smile and warm greeting.

Our link with each other remains ongoing via our telephone calls, e-mails, Glamorgan monthly newsletter and the WI Life magazine. No doubt members were very moved by the “Tales from the front line” featured in the recent edition of WI Life. The “Star Letter” in the same magazine was very uplifting, as it featured the President, Vice President and Secretary of Bricket Wood WI (Hertfordshire Federation) being involved with giving the vaccine to the staff of Watford General Hospital.

As soon as we are given the go-ahead for meetings to resume members will be notified straight away. In the meantime we are all looking forward to the time when we can be together again. Until then, think of happier, brighter, healthier, safer times in the days ahead.

If you are celebrating a birthday in April please accept our warmest wishes for that special day.

Until we meet again please remember – stay in touch, stay well and keep safe